While primarily focused on the science of the paranormal, we do also employ some methods that can be considered outside of it. We are willing to use these techniques to help point us in a direction where the science fails to give results.
Some examples are use of a Spirit Box. Spirit Boxes use a sweeping array to quickly move from one radio frequency to the next without pause. This is essentially a white noise generator and some people hear responses within the static to questions being asked. N.E.S.S. Only employs this using what is termed The Estes (”es-tees”) Method. This process is used as a real-time mediumship tool. A single team member is blindfolded, has audio via ear buds direct from the Spirit Box, and then has noise canceling headphones over the ear buds, rendering them apart from environmental interactions and unable to hear any questions being asked by others out loud. The person who is listening will speak aloud any words or phrases they hear as they interpret them while the questioner looks for relevant responses to what is asked. We do capture and analyze the”static” side directly from the Spirit Box during our data review.
Trigger objects are also generally used and can be seen as non-scientific results. These are often bells, small toys, balls, ribbons, or other items. They can also be objects the client has reported to have been moved or interacted with in the location.
Spirit, Talking, or Ouija Boards have a bad reputation due to many anecdotal reports and media like horror movies using them to cause fear. We will not use this method if our client does not want us to do so.
Pendulums are heavy objects at the end of a string or chain that are held loosely in the fingers to dangle down. This method involves asking spiritual entities to move the dangling object in a particular direction to give yes/no/maybe types of responses.
These are just some of the ways we look beyond science to assist you with gaining answers. As always, we respect our client’s wishes to not employ these alternatives during any investigation.
We do not “provoke” any possible intelligent entities. We will not mock, yell, scream, or direct challenges or threats against any spiritual entities that may be present.